Not as serious as it sounds but fulfilling none the less. Digital Gravel is one of the top online indie T-shirt and clothing sites. Indie T-shirts? Yes, as I'm sure most have seen there is a new breed of clothing adorning the likes of everyone from hipsters to mainstream rappers that represents a new theme in fashion which stresses art, music, politics, satire, and messages relevant to all different modern lifestyles. Some of the more notable brands which have not yet been fully adapted into major department stores include LRG, 10 DEEP, Obey, and Upper Playground. Digital Gravel is a great source for all for all of these as well as smaller but rapidly growing companies such as The Hundreds, GreenAppleTree, and Akomplice which sponsors southern underground hip-hop group CunnynLinguists. Digitial Gravel also has begun carrying asorted household items such as furniture, toys, and books all designed for the like minded lifestyles interested in expressing themselves everywhere they can, down to their pillow case.