6 Degrees
Actually this does have to do with Kevin Bacon, but no game is involved. He is one of the celebrity spokepeople for a wesbite that allows user to locate charities through a number of different searching features. Anyone that has every thought about getting involved with a charity, now is more of an important time than ever before. This website is no great charity in and of itself, but it is a great database to find any cause you might be interested in and different groups that are doing sojmething about those causes. You can search through cities or through categories or keywords. It also allows you to create a little widget to post in social networks or websites that show your connection to them and how other people can easily get involved by clicking that link. Its a great way for anyone that has every wanted to do good to find a charity easy, and then help promote it to friends that might also want to help the cause, whatever it may be. As THC always says, there is always a message involved.
6 Degrees