After speaking with a friend of mine at work about alien technology, ancient knowledge, and conspiracy in general, he let me know about Coral Castle. This is some truly amazing shit. The summary: One man in Florida during the 30s somehow figured out how to levitate items, and built a castle (read: rock garden) made entirely out of coral. The average piece is 15 tons, and some go up as high as 30 tons. He did all of this work BY HIMSELF with his technology. The government and the private sector begged him to share his knowledge, but all he said was, “if I can figure it out, then someone else can.” The man died and did NOT leave his technology behind. He only left a few scattered pieces and probably destroyed the rest. Engineers have been trying to re-figure out what he had done, but they still have yet to tap into this technology. Which, by the way, is possibly how the pyramids were built. That, however, leads to an entire night of conversation, and probably more, so I shan’t elaborate further at this juncture.
The first link is the official page, and the second link is a write up that does a great job at “dumbing down” some of the more technical parts of the story.
Oh, and if you figure the technology out, remember I showed you this and holler at me, because I have a couch that I need moved out of my house. Good looks. Peace.
-Matty J