You can make your own conclusions about what is to come of all this, but if you can't look at the signs and see that we are falling more and more into a Depression, not only in the US but across the world, then you are simply living in denial. Like I said, results of all this are very open ended, and as I write I dare not offer any attempt at insight into the possible resolutions of our failing economy, however I do encourage anyone that has any interest in what their lives will be like in the next 5-10-20 years to begin questioning the motives of institutions that are claiming to "help us" in this time of economic and global turmoil. Specifically the actions of the US Federal Reserve and other banks mentioned in the article such as the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank. There are many places to get information about whats happening but it is important to be open minded about all possible scenarios of things that can happen because of everything we are experieincing now. That is why to conclude this post, I highly encourage anyone that can to view Zeitgeist II, the sequel to the amazingly popular viral video clips that broke down staggering information about the formation of all institutions including religion, industry, and media, but most specifically about our government and the US Federal Reserve. Please keep in mind, that I only advocate this video ALONG WITH any other informative articles or educated sources of information from any viewpoint, right or left, conformist or non-conformist, all so you can MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND about whats going on and what to do about it.