
Jones Report

Jones Report

Radio Host Alex Jones is probably the most well known "conspiracy theorist" in the country since Bill Cooper "passed away" after the 9/11 attacks. We aren't claiming that he is completely unbiased, but his website, JonesReport.com is a great place to start if you are interested in learning about some of the hidden ideas that are out there about politics and life in general on this planet. They have broken their articles down into sections consisting of election campaigning, the 9/11 truth movement, headlines, globalization, surveillance society, population control, and police brutality. Reader be warned… take everything with a grain of salt, but don't be too quick to dismiss the things discussed.


Jones Report




Graffiti you say? Can't find it in your hometown anymore? Many feel the same, and must look to the internet to get their fix of visual stimulation. Well take comfort in knowing that one need not look any further than ArtCrimes.com. This is the LARGEST cache of graffiti content, pictures, links, history, etc on the web. The main page is updated each month featuring up to 10 different artists from around the world as well as updated user pics and links from different cities in 6 different continents. It has been going strong for over 13 years, and still remains untouchable when it come to amount of content. One can get lost for hours exploring all the pics and links within. They also have a very thorough calender of art events ALL OVER THE WORLD. For anyone interested in any graffiti/street art/modern art/etc. this is definitely the place to look. So until TATS cru is rolling through your town to do a mural on the local pizza shop, go check out ArtCrimes for all your bombing and mural needs.

