GO BUY THIS ALBUM!!! I don't care what kind of music you listen too, Murs has something for you on this album. For those that don't know him, Murs has been putting in work for well over a decade now, making his name known along with his group the Living Legends. Since his first real solo debut "The End of The Beginning" Murs has had a steadily growing fanbase from his strong message and straightforward flow. One his new album, which was put out by Warner Brothers, he called in Snoop Dogg, 9th Wonder, and Will I Am among others to provide an extremely quality album in all aspects. As his first major label release, he successfully made the transition from classic underground lyricist to a qualified radio-ready, but still authentic, songwriter. Having been a fan of his for close to 10 years and after enjoying his work more and more, I can only imagine the potential he has as a great message sender now backed by a mainstream audience. Go check for it, the single is "Lookin' Fly" and is a great intro for radio listeners to wooed, but does not compare to his in depth tracks suchs as "Science" or "Everything".
We've talked about being strict with this rating but I'm afraid I gotta do it. I have not heard an album like this in a very very long time. Here goes . . .
Flow: 5
Lyrical Content: 5
Production: 5
Albumness: 5
Overall: 5
A Perfect Score ladies and gentlemen!
all of the ratings will be out of a 5 point system. obviously we won't be rating horrible albums, so all of the albums SHOULD be in the upper range, but who knows, one of us could be having a bad day when we do the review. BUT DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT!
flow - is how the emcees ride the beat and what their cadence is. this may also include evaluation on the emcees' voice and tone.
lyrical content - is what the rappers are ACTUALLY SAYING. we know that nobody listens to anything but the beat nowadays, but bear with us.
production - is the quality of the beats and other musical content on the album. thank god for 9th!
album-ness - how all the songs are cohesively arranged on the album and the overall feel of the album.
overall - self-explanatory.